This is a step by step instruction on how to contact Lazada 24/7 virtual customer care agent or get support from our Customer Care Specialists. Take note that live agent are available only from 6AM to 12AM daily.
1. Open your Lazada mobile app or visit Go to accounts and click “Chat with customer care”.

2. In chat box type “Chat Live Agent” and wait for the options to appear.

3. In What is your concern about, choose I have lazpaylater concern.

4. In What is your LazPayLater concern about, choose “I have issue with my application.

5. Select the language of your Customer Care Agent. Choose between English or choose unable to understand English for Tagalog or Taglish.

6. Finally! once the welcome messages appear in your chat box. You can now proceed chatting your concerns. The live agent will response to your concern anytime from 6am to 12 midnight.

Note that you can also contact Lazada via phone. Calling their support via phone is available daily from 8am to 6pm. Dial (02)89 LAZADA or (02)8895 2932.